
School Fees 2023– 2024:

Girls Section Grade 
Boys Girls 

12500 S.R

12500 S.R

 KG 1 ,2& 3 REG

13500 S.R

13500 S.R


14500 S.R

14500 S.R

Grade 1 Regular

16500 S.R 16500 S.R Grade 1 Special ESL

17000 S.R

17000 S.R

Grade 2 & 3


17000 S.R

Grade 4,5 & 6


18500 S.R

Grade 7 , 8 & 9

*** 18500 S.R Grade 7 , 8 & 9



Boys Section

17000 S.R

Grade 4 , 5 & 6

18500 S.R

 Grade 7 , 8 & 9

18500 S.R Grade 10, 11 & 12



  • School fees for KG shall be paid before each semester .

  • Discounts on fees  is applicable for Grades 1 – 12 only.

  • 500 SAR discount shall be given to those who pay their full semesteral fee within the first week of second & third semester

  • Initial Tuition fees for  (Primary – Intermediate)  is 34 % from total fees .

 Brothers Discount :


Forth One
 and More

Third One

Second One

First One

2000 S.R

1000 S.R

1000 S.R
